Monday, 11 January 2010

Settling back in to life in Dakar

As I said in my last post, it was very strange coming back to Dakar, but now after only a few days I now feel back 'at home' again. A really busy weekend has helped me settle back into the Dakar way of life. On Friday I was at a party at Jessica's house, not far from where I live. Her appartment is quite small, so the party was held on the roof terrace, which is right under the flight path for planes landing at the airport - so every now and then all conversation had to come to a stop as a plane approached and then flew straight overhead, about 50 feet above us - quite a sight.
On Saturday a group of us went to Lac Rose (the Pink Lake), just outside Dakar. Lac Rose is where the Paris-Dakar rally used to end (the rally claimed the lives of too may village children and so now no longer takes place, at least not in Senegal - last year it was in South America!) and is so-called because of its pink colour caused by algae. The algae must have been having a rest this weekend because the lake was more of a dull brownsih colour, but I'm told it becomes pinker as the water level drops during the dry season - so hope to go back when Raksha comes over in February - and it better be pink or I'll want my money back.
Anyway it was a really nice weekend - some of our party were taking part in a half-marathon round the lake - I opted to join the party of walkers rather than runners, and still managed to sprain a muscle in my leg - so no tennis this week! I also managed to get sunburned - a lesson that even in mid-winter you need to be careful of the power of the sun here in West Africa.

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