Sunday, 28 March 2010
African Renaissance?
I often pass by the statue as it's between where I live and the areas of Almadies and Ngor to the north, and is also close to the airport. When I first arrived work was already well underway, but heads etc were missing - the statue itself is now finished, but work is continuing day and night to finish off the surrounding area in time for the big opening event at the weekend, which will apparently be attended by 15 heads of state.
The whole project is controversial for a number of reasons - not the least the fact that it cost in the region of $17m (remember this is one of the poorest countries in the world) and that a percentage (35% I heard) of all the proceeds from entrance fees etc. will go directly to president Wade, and to his family after he dies. Why? Because it was his idea!
It's hard to judge the scale of the thing from the picture - it's huge and can be seen from miles away. I'm told there will be a revolving restaurant inthe man's head, which will give stunning (and no doubt stunningly expensive) views of Dakar. It's far from being universally popular, will be interesting to see the reaction once it is open to the fee paying public!
The weather has improved markedly over the last couple of days - if you like it hot and sunny that is! The clouds of dust have disappered and its getting distinctly warmer.
As I've only a few weeks left in Dakar I decided I better try out the scuba diving at the weekend, which was great - but more about this in my next blog!
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
Hazy days
It's hard to believe that in only a few weeks time my assignment here in West Africa will be finished and I'll be back to the more familiar, if more unpredictable, weather of the UK. I read recently a long range weather forecast that suggested a 'Barbecue summer' for the UK, possibly the warmest on record, but I seem to remember the same being said last year, and it was a terrible summer - so who knows what'll happen.
As we get into the final few weeks of my assignment I will start the process of winding down the work here – I’m hopeful that the projects that now have some momentum behind them will continue, particularly the Voucher Track project, but at the moment its not clear who will be taking over after I leave. It’s also not clear what I’ll be doing once I return to the UK, so that’s something else I need to start working on!
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
Food crisis in Niger
Here in Senegal I am still working on moving forward with the Food Voucher project. A programme is launching soon in Pikine just outside Dakar to provide 20,000 households with food vouchers to help them overcome the problems of high food prices. The programme will use SMS messaging from the retailer back to WFP as a means of reducing the potential for fraud and to help ensure efficient targeting of WFP’s resources on those most in need. I’m planning to use the experience from this programme, along with similar programmes being run in other parts of the world such as Burkina Faso, Zambia and Syria, to feed into the design of a solution which can be used globally by WFP. At the moment each new voucher programme is developing a new solution – a good way to learn what works and what doesn’t , but not a very efficient use of limited resources in the long run.
On a slightly different note – a happy St Patrick's day to one and all. Its a truth universally acknowledged that every town in the world has an Irish Bar - however Dakar seems to be the exception that proves the rule - or at least I've yet to find it, but maybe I'll do a bit more 'research' tonight.Tuesday, 9 March 2010
Saharan wind and surfing in Dakar
Monday, 1 March 2010
Dolphins in the Casamance
Raksha is still here, and we've just returned from a trip to Casamance in the far south of Senegal. We left by ferry last Tuesday evening and arrived at Ziguinchor (often just called 'Zig'), the capital of the Casamance region, early on Wednsday morning. The ferry itself, modern and very comfortable, was built to replace the MV Le Joola which sank on the way to Casamance in 2002 with the loss of nearly 2,000 lives, making it one of the worst non-military maritime disasters in history - worse than the Titanic. The ferry goes down the coast, past The Gambia and then up the Casamance river to Zig. On the way up the river in the morning we were followed by a school of dolphins who seemed to enjoy 'playing' in the wake of the ferry.
We then spent a couple of nights at the main tourist resort in Casamance - Cap Skirring. This is on the Atlantic coast and is busier than Karabane, but still very low key, with miles of virtually deserted beaches - deserted that is except for the sellers of souvenirs, jewelery, carvings and hats!